HomeNewsThe Indian Freedom Movement

The Indian Freedom Movement

The Indian Freedom Movement

Independence Day 2021: 11 iconic photos of India's freedom struggle

The Indian Freedom struggle is literally a historic journey of Independence. The story of every freedom fighter of that time is so unique and inspiring that it induces a proud feeling among every citizen of India. The seeds of freedom were sown during the 19th century and it seemed like a never-ending war. During this period India witnessed many reform movements. The hard work, dedication and sacrifice of social reformers laid the groundwork for an awakened society.

Our Independence Movement Constitution - Constitution of India

Everyone in the country followed an identical tune of independence. In 1885, the formation of INC (Indian National Congress) indicated the beginning of a collective political movement against Britishers. The country demanded “Swaraj” i.e. self-rule and it became a ringing call resonating in the heart and minds of the masses.

Whenever we think about freedom and independence, Mahatma Gandhi will always strike us as an undisputed leader of the Indian Freedom Struggle. His philosophy of non-violence has inspired the whole world and is followed to date. He became the guiding leader who believed Satyagraha and civil disobedience as a potent weapon to fight against British authority.

The Indian Freedom Fighter Lala Lajpat Rai

Major Events of the Indian Freedom Movement

From 1920-1922, Mahatma Gandhi led the first large-scale mass movement against the British Raj i.e. the Non-Cooperation Movement. People boycott British educational institutions, British goods, as well as Civil services etc. This movement was suspended by the Britishers, yet it brought the masses together in the Indian Freedom Struggle.

Another key period in the Indian Freedom Struggle was the Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1934). It all started with Mahatma Gandhi and his group of supporters marching to the Arabian Sea to make salt in protest of the British salt tax. People from many walks of life, including women and farmers, actively participated in this campaign.

The Quit India Movement (1942) was a turning point in India’s struggle for independence. It demanded that British authority in India be ended immediately. The British replied with persecution and brutality, but the Indian people’s tenacious spirit won over the Britishers. Several major leaders were imprisoned as a result of the campaign, and it acted as a wake-up call to the British that their rule in India was indefensible.

Freedom Fighters of India from 1857 to 1947 and their Contributions

Many freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandrashekhar Azad ,Mangal Pandey, Lal Bahadur Shastri and many others fought and became martyrs in the fight for freedom. Their bravery and dedication would always inspire generations.

On 15 August 1947, India became independent after a really long fight and sacrifice. Today, we all live in a democratic society, liberal in terms of thoughts as well as actions. This freedom and democracy is the dedication, hard work, unity, and sacrifice of the freedom fighters.

Thus, after a long struggle the nation celebrated freedom, as the National flag was unfurled with Jawaharlal Nehru’s iconic speech “Tryst with Destiny.” His speech echoed India’s dreams and aspirations.

The  Indian Independence Movement of Bhagat Singh



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